BL Business The business guide for the Basel-Landschaft region 2023 DETEC head Albert Rösti as a guest Federal Councillor Albert Rösti has the honor of welcoming the guests at the Business Day. He knows what it takes for the Swiss economy to remain successful in the future. Special: Back on the Success track Swiss Innovation Challenge 2023 More than 100 participants took part in the Swiss Innovation Challenge, three are left. The winner will be chosen at the "Award Winning Ceremony". Baselbiet occupies top position According to the UBS Cantonal Competitiveness Indicator, the Canton of Basel-Landschaft is in sixth place. One of Basel region’s great strengths is its innovative power. Foto: SECURE ONE OF THE LAST TICKETS FOR THE DAY OF BUSINESS
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WHO IS WHO A brief portrait of the
WHO IS WHO Central Baselbiet Region
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Estrella AG Thanks to its understan
Imprint Baselland Business Business
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Wirtschaftskammer Baselland
Haus der Wirtschaft
Hardstrasse 1
4133 Pratteln